Simplifying eSIM Device Testing with RSP-as-a-Service

Published on 26 October 2023 | 5 mins read.


In today's connected world, eSIM technology is gaining immense popularity. It has become crucial for manufacturers to thoroughly test their devices before they hit the market. From activation and provisioning to network connectivity and compatibility, there are several key aspects that OEMs/ODMs and chip makers need to consider. That's where Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) comes in. RSP offers a comprehensive solution for provisioning eSIM profiles, making it easier for manufacturers to generate and manage test profiles. With real-time reports and flexible configuration options, RSP simplifies the testing process and enables OEMs/ODMs/chip makers to identify and resolve any issues quickly. By utilizing RSP for eSIM device testing, manufacturers can ensure that the devices meet the required standards & provide a seamless user experience.

Let's dive into the world of eSIM device testing and explore the various aspects that OEMs/ODMs and chip makers need to consider. We'll highlight the key areas where testing is essential, such as activation and provisioning, voice and data services, network connectivity and compatibility. Additionally, we'll discuss the importance of hardware performance verification and the commonly used tools in the testing process.

Why is eSIM testing important to OEM/ODM:

As eSIM technology becomes increasingly popular in IoT devices , manufacturers like OEMs/ODMs are now faced with the task of transitioning from traditional SIM devices to eSIM devices. This transition brings along its biggest challenge - eSIM device testing, which plays a crucial role in ensuring product quality.

For many manufacturers, eSIM technology is still relatively new, and there is currently no standardized testing methodology in place.

If these challenges are not addressed, the OEMs/ODMs may face the following problems:

Security vulnerabilities: Failure to securely activate and provision eSIM devices can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches , and potential misuse of sensitive information.

Poor user experience: Insufficient testing of voice and data services can result in dropped calls, slow data speeds, or connectivity issues, leading to a negative user experience and customer dissatisfaction.

Incompatibility issues: Neglecting to verify network connectivity and compatibility may result in eSIM devices being unable to connect to the appropriate mobile networks or establish stable data connections. This can lead to limited network coverage, reduced functionality, and restricted access to services.

Operational inefficiencies: Without comprehensive end-to-end test simulations, OEMs/ODMs may overlook potential network configuration or wireless communication functionality issues. This can result in operational inefficiencies, increased troubleshooting efforts, and delays in product deployment.

Hardware performance issues: Failing to verify hardware performance, including RF antennas and communication protocols, can lead to inconsistent performance, weak signal reception, or communication failures. This can impact the overall reliability and performance of the eSIM device.

eSIM Tests aspects for OEM/ODM:

As the importance of testing eSIM devices continues to grow, we can see OEMs/ODMs are increasingly focused on the following aspects:

Activation and Provisioning: It's crucial to test the device's ability to securely activate, download profiles, and provision over the air (OTA) ensuring that the device can seamlessly connect to the network and receive the necessary configurations and credentials for proper functioning.

Voice and Data Services: Ensuring that voice and data services work as expected on the device is essential. Testing these services requires loading or presetting a profile in the eSIM card. The accessibility may depend on the profile provider's configuration.

Network Connectivity and Compatibility: Verifying that the eSIM device can connect to the appropriate mobile network, establish a data connection, and is compatible with various mobile network technologies.

End-to-End Test Simulation: Manufacturers can create laboratory environments for comprehensive tests. These simulations can include private networks, self-deployed core network systems, small cells, antenna RF, and shielded boxes. Such simulations mimic the network configurations, device compatibility, wireless communication functionality, and frequency bandwidth of operators worldwide.

Hardware Performance Verification: To ensure hardware performance, including RF antennas and communication protocol consistency, manufacturers commonly use equipment such as Rohde & Schwarz and Anritsu.

The Role of RSP Service in eSIM Device Testing:

Now let's talk about another challenge we face when testing eSIM devices - the need for profiles. Whether it's bootstraps , test profiles, or operational profiles, most tests require them. This is where an RSP service comes in handy. It's a solution that plays a crucial role in helping OEMs/ODMs with these tests.

An RSP service allows for secure activation, profile downloading, and over-the-air provisioning. This ensures that eSIM devices have seamless connectivity, enhanced security, and optimal functionality.

In addition, a good RSP service should offer the ability to configure different profiles, giving OEMs/ODMs the flexibility to test various scenarios. They should also provide network credentials and settings to simplify the profile provisioning process.

For instance, in RF & conformance tests, OEMs/ODMs can generate dedicated test profiles using Simlessly’s RSP-as-a-Service predefined profile configuration. These test profiles can be modified and updated based on specific requirements, and they are immediately available for download onto the test device.

Figure 1. Profile configuration

Additionally, RSP offers real-time reports within the platform, allowing customers to monitor profile status and perform profile management operations like installation, enabling, and deletion. Real-time reports help in quickly identifying any issues during testing.

Figure 2. Configure Private Network Profiles

Similar use cases for laboratory end-to-end simulation testing can be carried out in the factory. RSP supports the transfer of various test profiles and configuration data required by the laboratory's core network into the RSP platform.

Figure 3. Example of Profile status listed in RSP

Figure 4. Details of the operation history of each profile


In conclusion, eSIM device testing is a critical process for OEMs/ODMs and chip makers to ensure the functionality, compatibility, security, and performance of their devices. RSP provides a comprehensive solution for provisioning eSIM profiles with necessary network credentials and settings, making it easier for OEMs/ODMs to generate and manage test profiles. With real-time reports and flexible configuration options, RSP simplifies the testing process and enables OEMs/ODMs to quickly identify and resolve any issues. By utilizing RSP for eSIM device testing, OEMs/ODMs/chip makers can ensure that their devices meet the required standards and deliver a seamless user experience.

Bruce Chen

Co-Founder of Simlessly | Evangelist of RSP for Consumer and IoT | Specialist of IoT iSIM & eSIM | On a Mission driven by accelerating the revolution to eSIM & iSIM in a disruptive SaaS model


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